#️⃣Real Talk

Do you ever feel like you are in a place where there is not much light? Yea, me too. Lately, I have been feeling ALOT of emotions. I have been feeling overwhelmed, tired, sad, not good enough... the list goes on. There are some mornings I ask myself, am I really doing the right thing? Is this really my calling? And I know a lot of you feel the same way. So I have been taking the time to just be. to feel my feelings. Because let's be honest social media does not help ( for me anyway) in making us feel better. We compare. We compare ourselves to others, whether friends, colleagues or people in the same field... we always see people doing better than us, right? No one ever really shares their struggles. This is my struggle post. I see you all struggling. You are not alone. I struggle too. I see people in this field with more followers, prettier posts etc. However, I always try to remember that I am me. I am unique. I can help people too in my own way. We don't all have to be the same. Maybe the way I help you is not the way someone else like me can help you. So remember you are Unique. You are you. You are perfectly imperfect. Let's heal together.